Canoe: A computer in a kit

Kano is a computer kit based on the Raspberry Pi mini computer. With the Kano kit you can assemble a computer as if you were playing with Lego . Children learn the basic concepts about the computer and programming in a playful way. The mini computer is no bigger than a credit card and originally intended for computer hobbyists.
In addition to the Raspberry Pi mini computer, the package consists of a computer case, an 8 GB SD memory card with the Kano OS and software, Kano Books with instructions and illustrations, a Kano keyboard, a speaker and the necessary accessories and cables.

It comes with operating system and Kano Blocks , an open source visual programming language that can create code in Python and JavaScript , among others. With the Kano system you can learn to program all kinds of applications, including games such as Pong and Minecraft .

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