32. Spatial awareness exercise with Cube Test: Digital learning resources secondary

Spatial ability is a skill that significantly addressed in the school. She is so fundamental to perform many tasks that they Attainment in a central place geometry.
In secondary education it is a basic skill.

As an additional option exercise or remediring for spatial awareness, this program goal. The program is easy to use n Dutch.

A computer version of cubes also offers some advantages compared with a outprint paper:

- The student can rotate each cube when he moves the mouse over.
- If the student confirms his reply, rotate the cube so that the student immediately know which choice is correct or wrong and why. The strength of the feedback is much more direct.
- The program also offers the possibility of a failed command again to address.

Sheet Material
The program allows students from four multiple choice alternatives that indicate cube corresponding to a given figure.

The software was originally written as an entry for a Linux game. Author, Jos van den Oever. After the start button was clicked in sequence according to a number of choices are made:

- The difficulty of the program
- The skin or the view of the cubes

The students are always series of ten questions presented. These are randomly generated.

The student may rotate through each of the alternatives with the mouse to drag.
He makes his choice (A, B, C or D) and confirm with OK.

The computer itself runs the cubes so clear what the right answer.

He opts for "restoration demand," he gets the same question again offered.
The "remedial response" makes the computer itself rotates the blocks so that the correct solution is clear.

With the button "next question" is the student to the next assignment.

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