Language Policy in practice: A challenge for each school

The chairman of Dutch Education Network , Ghislain Duchteau, read the book Language Policy in practice and discuss it here. Didactics Dutch Network (formerly VVM, Flemish Association Moedertaaldidactici) represents the interests of the teaching and the teaching of Dutch.

End of 2008 was published by Plantyn Language Policy in practice as editor Wilfred De Hert - 278 pages - € 29. After the Foreword of the editor followed sixteen contributions of mainly Flemish didactici and practitioners on various aspects of language policy in education as now practiced or as required to be applied. We can divide the essays into three categories:

  1. The background contributions that are more a theoretical framework describing.
  2. The practice.
  3. Brief highlights with deeper detail on certain applications, knowing or achievements.

We propose here briefly for some important essays, although the other texts of their value and contribute to the completeness of the book as a whole.

The book focuses on p. 9 with a noteworthy contribution of Prof. em. Frans Daems headed from dream to reality: language policy in education. It outlines the author theoretical framework where language policy is located. He provides a clear definition and delimitation of the most common concepts that are at issue on language policy as a spoken or written. What is language policy in schools? There are areas of communication and instruction - with the language problem in the instruction, the school language, the forms of communication for teaching and learning, contextualization and cognitive complexity, the Dutch language and literacy instruction as part of language policy. Similarly, the author barely two pages exactly and clearly the policy on language policy in education minister again.

From p. 69 we find the contribution of inspector Els Vermeire the role of inspection in monitoring taal-/talenbeleid. In this fascinating text notes that the final inspection and developmental objectives are not reached by pupils, the school language because they lack control. The introduction of the instrument scans in language policy since 2002 was a huge incentive for schools to really start working on a language policy. From September 2008 uses the inspection to the control of a new screening concept taal-/talenbeleid.

A third important contribution is that of Maaike Hajer The high standards for professional education: language policy in the classroom through language-oriented teaching methodology (ab p. 107). The author, who Language Oriented Architecture professional education in the Netherlands chairs, together with Teun Meestringa Manual language oriented professional education, which since 2004 has an updated spending three more have appeared, to her credit. In a brief describes and defines what language they are targeted vocational education means that teachers with the essentials to remember when they themselves who want to practice teaching and skills as they envisage. It states that learning and language are inextricably linked and that this is a teaching that the language of the pupils in the school subjects taught to promote interactive teaching environment rich mt to provide language support. All that pays off only within the broader framework of a school language policy, which the school a stimulating and Cordiner function. Besides that comprehensible description of what language oriented vocational education and how it functions optimally sets Maaike Hajer at the end of her contribution to a number of concrete tools for working out of that recently been developed and through publications written or over the Internet at available to school leaders and teachers who TVO into practice. To mention only one tool to have a series of lessons that were developed within a project of the Platform Oriented Language education at the basis of computer language Lesfabriek for state education.

Language oriented professional education in practice. Three specialist teachers about their experiences as a trainer in a TVO project (ab. p. 127) introduces a math teacher, a music teacher and a teacher of woodworking that interview witnesses to form their own teaching with the TVO didactics. They tell two training sessions taking what they gave priority in the training project. It is apparent not only their enthusiasm but also their nuanced view of the reaction of their colleagues with their innovative approach and offer the TVO.

Language oriented professional education in the Imelda Institute in Brussels: from workshop to workshop language (ab p. 145). Imelda The Institute is a school with Dutch TSO and BSO-pupils. The influx of students is characterized by weakness and linguistic language deficiency in the majority of the students. At the screening, the Dutch Attainment not achieved. By a fundamental change of the school board in cooperation with BROSO, the Brussels-Secondary Education Support Centre, an optimization was achieved in the learning situation of students through implementation of switching language or vocational education. It involves a language subject teachers and a teacher simultaneously present, along with language and vakdoelen. The learning performance for reading comprehension and vocabulary from school year 2004-2005 to 2007-2008 school year was inflated with reading comprehension more than 4% and 9% with a small vocabulary, reading comprehension to what is an effectuation of about 50% and vocabulary to 53.7%. The positive results were achieved in an integrated care process, the studio that gentroduceerd in addition to the basic operation. The school changed, the change was guided and the teachers were professional.

As short focal (pp. 168-169) signaling we like Luc Wyns' Focus on literacy, which he defines the notion of literacy from an OECD definition and giving him the results of an IALS study recently suggested. From the figures we learn that 16.8% of the population in Flanders is literate enough to function optimally in society.

We also continue to dwell in the measurement of proficiency and the development of a coaching through language tests (ab p. 203). Although the confrontation with the rather technical consideration of language tests or anything reticence can generate, we recommend reading it really. For each teaching methodology and subject teacher who cares about onderwijsefficintie, the introduction to the available (standardized) language tests certainly relevant. The language tests will contribute to the establishment of an effective coaching groups of pupils.

In the final contribution (ab p. 264) united with (learning) forces! Language policy in schools with foreign language newcomers and foreign-language 'eindkomers' Kris Van den Branden introduces the language problem in the reception class with other languages newcomers. Clear that despite all the efforts that well-designed more year transition to mainstream education for students is inadequate for their successful school career protection. He shows that support manifest those pupils permanently needed in the sequel some years by the entire school, sometimes by a drop coach.

The book Language policy in practice. A challenge for each secondary school gives us a clear and concrete often look at the issue of language policy and practice in Flemish secondary schools such as those found in current events taking place and evolving. It is not simply become a storybook. It is indeed conceived as a textbook. This shows the diversity of substantive contributions, but also from the design. In the background and contributions to the practice are constantly synthesizing the Orientations of the text. These contributions are also initiated with a diagram of the content structure of the text. The reading and study understates then increased by italics in the text issues left on the layout display. This gives the attentive reader clutter is proposed to effectively penetrating and students to read.

We look ourselves with Frans Daems over a long cherished dream of true and effective language policy but slowly and gradually, with high enthusiasm and commitment a reality in our schools. This book makes to the achievement and substantial a contribution.

Ghislain Duchteau, April 21, 2009

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