Face2Face, dialogue from a Catholic perspective

Terrorism, war, authoritarian regimes, poverty, natural disasters, violence… The world doesn't seem to be going well. Young people today are growing up in a diverse world where religion is all too often abused to condone violence. After all, religion and violence are often linked. How can we get young people to look beyond such forms of radicalization and polarisation?

EDUC8 is a project for philosophical education in secondary schools and extracurricular contexts. This project aims to make young people resilient against radicalization and polarisation , and to demonstrate how they can find resilience and resilience (against this) in their own ideological tradition. It is a project aimed at inter - ideological dialogue . This initiative is financed by the Fund for
Internal Security of the European Union.

EDUC8 focuses on six different worldviews , namely Judaism, Catholicism, Islam, Orthodox Christianity, Protestantism and a non-denominational (ethical) perspective. Each philosophy starts from its own tradition on the basis of different subjects in order to build up resistance against polarization and radicalisation. For example, various didactic packages were developed for the age group of 12 to 18 year olds. This handbook starts from the perspective of the Catholic faith. On the one hand there is a manual (fill-in book) for the student and a manual for the teacher with more information about the exercises for the students and extra material.

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