Language learning: From toddlers to adults

How do children, young people and adults learn Dutch as a second language? How can we create a learning environment in which non-native speakers achieve the best learning outcomes? And in what way do our ideas about language and education stimulate (or prevent) such a learning environment? Language learning offers teachers in school, teachers (trainers) and pedagogical counselors an insight into the acquisition of Dutch as a second language in preschool children, primary school children, young people and adults. This handbook describes second language acquisition as a socially driven process, the success of which depends on a number of factors. These factors include the way in which we perceive language and education, the way in which interaction is set up in the classroom and the extent to which there is a learning environment in which it thrives and can be experimented a lot. But how do we ensure such a learning environment? This manual is looking for that.

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