Visual thinking education and upbringing Flanders: Core training

You know them: students who are bright and skilled but who do not show good school results. Students who come to school every day with stomach aches, have a great sense of justice and often daydream. Visual thinkers do not learn through automation and reproduction and therefore miss important pieces of the puzzle to understand the lesson material. Once understood, they can suddenly go a whole step further. These children want top-down education. We recognize this need in gifted children, but HB children do not always flourish in our educational system. There are also many visual thinkers who need the same approach but have less intelligence.

Visual thinking is central to this three-day course at HBO level. You will learn how different the learning process is for language thinkers and visual thinkers and how you can offer these children appropriate education. A bridge is built between education and youth care because the topics of high sensitivity, giftedness and neurodiversity are discussed extensively. This allows you to understand all your students based on intrinsic knowledge and provide the right education.

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