Kindergarten Participation

The education is also of excellent quality. The participation of children in education in Flanders is very high when compared to other countries. Yet there is a group of children who do not participate in kindergarten. Some children are not enrolled in school, but others that do not regularly run school. For instance, they are much behind. Chances are that she will never catch up.

Kindergarten: an absolute must. Kindergarten is not compulsory in Flanders. But it pays no more trouble. Children are allowed into the kindergarten from the first entry date is after they reached the age of 2.5 years. The children learn social skills in the classroom, become familiar with a language and practical skills. The teacher or master prepares them for primary education. For foreign children, kindergarten a good place to learn Dutch. Even little kids at home structure, finding support in the kindergarten. Kindergarten is also inexpensive. The school will remain low through measures to control costs. Also, children eligible for an education if they have sufficient present day at school. They are also entitled to a school bonus.

Government invests nursery education. To participate in kindergarten to increase in 2007 an action plan worked out with several axes, the measures remain in force. Here you can also find the policy. Minister Smet expressed in his 2009-2014 policy intention for the government to continue investing in primary education. Thus, the aim is to the framing of the nursery school to gradually expand. From September 1, 2010 six students may only start in primary school when the school year before enough were present in the Dutch pre-school, or succeeding in a language test.

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